unity .net8 suppot comming
Hello everyone, 我们好,
With the summer holidays upon us, It’s been a while since my last update, so I wanted to share some progress on our .NET Modernization effort.
暑假行将来临,自从我前次更新以来现已有一段时刻了,所以我想共享咱们的 .NET 现代化作业的一些开展。
The transition to .NET 8/CoreCLR is moving along smoothly. We’re continuing to execute the plan I outlined in my previous post, and we’ve made good progress in several key areas:
向 .NET 8/CoreCLR 的过渡开展顺畅。咱们正在持续履行我在上一篇文章中概述的方案,而且咱们在几个要害范畴取得了杰出开展:
- The Unity Editor and Players are now fully running on .NET 8 CoreCLR, with Mono officially removed.
Unity 编辑器和播放器现在彻底在 .NET 8 CoreCLR 上运转,Mono 已正式删去。 - We’ve successfully converted over 80 assemblies to be loaded into a long-living Assembly Load Context (ALC) and have begun testing this in the Editor. However, converting all remaining assemblies requires collaboration with other Unity teams, and we’re planning to complete this work in the coming months.
咱们已成功转化 80 多个程序集以加载到长期存在的程序集加载上下文 (ALC) 中,并已开端在编辑器中对此进行测验。但是,转化一切剩下的程序集需求与其他 Unity 团队协作,咱们方案在未来几个月内完结这项作业。 - IL2CPP support for .NET 8 BCL is progressing well, with a significant portion of our integration tests now starting to run on key platforms.
IL2CPP 对 .NET 8 BCL 的支撑开展顺畅,咱们的集成测验的很大一部分现在开端在要害平台上运转。 - We’ve also made considerable progress on MSBuild support for building user projects, which involved migrating several projects and packages. This feature is currently opt-in, as we’re still working towards making it the default.
咱们还在构建用户项目的 MSBuild 支撑方面取得了相当大的开展,其间触及搬迁多个项目和包。此功用现在是可选的,由于咱们仍在尽力将其设为默许功用。 - The integration of Burst into the core of the Unity Editor/Engine is advancing steadily.
Burst 与 Unity 编辑器/引擎中心的集成正在稳步推动。
As with any complex project, some aspects are time-consuming and may not be particularly exciting from an external perspective. For example, while we’ve converted over 30 additional modules, the work is meticulous and requires time. Additionally, software development can sometimes be affected by factors beyond our control (such as team changes), which can impact our pace.
与任何杂乱的项目相同,某些方面十分耗时,而且从外部视点来看或许并不特别令人兴奋。例如,尽管咱们现已转化了 30 多个附加模块,但作业十分详尽且需求时刻。此外,软件开发有时会遭到咱们无法控制的要素(例如团队改变)的影响,这或许会影响咱们的进展。
At this stage, we still can’t provide a specific ETA. However, with Unite coming up soon, we hope to offer a glimpse into what’s ahead.
现阶段,咱们依然无法供给详细的估计抵达时刻。但是,跟着 Unite 行将推出,咱们期望可以让我们一睹未来的开展。
原文:Unity Future .NET Development Status - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions