# coding: UTF-8
from collections import Counter
class biTree_node:
def __init__(self, f=-1, fvalue=None, leafLabel=None, l=None, r=None, splitInfo="gini"):
para f: int, 切分的特征,用样本中的特征次第表明
para fvalue: float or int, 切分特征的决议计划值
para leafLabel: int, 叶节点的标签
para l: biTree_node指针, 当时节点的左子树
para r: biTree_node指针, 当时节点的右子树
para splitInfo: string, 切分的规范, 可取值'infogain'和'gini', 别离表明信息增益和基尼指数。
self.f = f # 特征索引,即样本中的特征次第
self.fvalue = fvalue # 特征切分值,用于决议样本走向左子树仍是右子树
self.leafLabel = leafLabel # 假如是叶节点,则保存对应的类别标签
self.l = l # 左子树,指向当时节点的左子节点
self.r = r # 右子树,指向当时节点的右子节点
self.splitInfo = splitInfo # 切分规范,用于决议运用何种方法来核算最佳特征和特征值
def gini_index(samples):
para samples: list, 样本列表,每个样本的最终一个元素是标签。
return: float, 基尼指数。
label_counts = sum_of_each_label(samples)
total = len(samples)
gini = 1.0
for label in label_counts:
prob = label_counts[label] / total
gini -= prob ** 2
return gini
def info_entropy(samples):
para samples: list, 样本列表,每个样本的最终一个元素是标签。
return: float, 信息熵。
label_counts = sum_of_each_label(samples)
total = len(samples)
entropy = 0.0
for label in label_counts:
prob = label_counts[label] / total
entropy -= prob * (prob * 3.321928094887362) # 以2为底的对数
return entropy
def split_samples(samples, feature, value):
para samples: list, 样本列表。
para feature: int, 特征索引。
para value: float or int, 特征值。
return: tuple, 两个列表,别离为左子集和右子集。
left = [sample for sample in samples if sample[feature] < value]
right = [sample for sample in samples if sample[feature] >= value]
return left, right
def sum_of_each_label(samples):
para samples: list, 样本列表。
return: dict, 标签及其呈现次数的字典。
labels = [sample[-1] for sample in samples]
return Counter(labels)
def build_biTree(samples, splitInfo="gini"):
para samples: list, 样本的列表,每样本也是一个列表,样本的最终一项为标签,其它项为特征。
para splitInfo: string, 切分的规范,可取值'infogain'和'gini', 别离表明信息增益和基尼指数。
return: biTree_node, 二叉决议计划树的根节点。
# 假如没有样本,则返回空节点
if len(samples) == 0:
return biTree_node()
# 查看切分规范是否合法
if splitInfo != "gini" and splitInfo != "infogain":
return biTree_node()
bestInfo = 0.0 # 最佳信息增益或基尼指数减少数
bestF = None # 最佳特征
bestFvalue = None # 最佳特征的切分值
bestlson = None # 左子树
bestrson = None # 右子树
# 核算当时调集的基尼指数或信息熵
curInfo = gini_index(samples) if splitInfo == "gini" else info_entropy(samples)
sumOfFeatures = len(samples[0]) - 1 # 样本中特征的个数
for f in range(0, sumOfFeatures): # 遍历每个特征
featureValues = [sample[f] for sample in samples] # 提取特征值
for fvalue in featureValues: # 遍历当时特征的每个值
lson, rson = split_samples(samples, f, fvalue) # 依据特征及其值切分样本
# 核算割裂后两个调集的基尼指数或信息熵
if splitInfo == "gini":
info = (gini_index(lson) * len(lson) + gini_index(rson) * len(rson)) / len(samples)
info = (info_entropy(lson) * len(lson) + info_entropy(rson) * len(rson)) / len(samples)
gain = curInfo - info # 核算增益或基尼指数的减少数
# 找到最佳特征及其切分值
if gain > bestInfo and len(lson) > 0 and len(rson) > 0:
bestInfo = gain
bestF = f
bestFvalue = fvalue
bestlson = lson
bestrson = rson
# 假如找到了最佳切分
if bestInfo > 0.0:
l = build_biTree(bestlson, splitInfo) # 递归构建左子树
r = build_biTree(bestrson, splitInfo) # 递归构建右子树
return biTree_node(f=bestF, fvalue=bestFvalue, l=l, r=r, splitInfo=splitInfo)
# 假如没有有用切分,则生成叶节点
label_counts = sum_of_each_label(samples)
return biTree_node(leafLabel=max(label_counts, key=label_counts.get), splitInfo=splitInfo)
def predict(sample, tree):
para sample: list, 需求猜测的样本
para tree: biTree_node, 构建好的分类树
return: int, 猜测样本所属的类别
if tree.leafLabel is not None: # 假如当时节点是叶节点
return tree.leafLabel
# 不然依据特征值挑选子树
sampleValue = sample[tree.f]
branch = tree.r if sampleValue >= tree.fvalue else tree.l
return predict(sample, branch) # 递归下去
def print_tree(tree, level='0'):
para tree: biTree_node, 树的根节点
para level: str, 当时节点在树中的深度,0表明根,0L表明左子节点,0R表明右子节点
if tree.leafLabel is not None: # 假如是叶节点
print('*' + level + '-' + str(tree.leafLabel)) # 打印标签
print('+' + level + '-' + str(tree.f) + '-' + str(tree.fvalue)) # 打印特征索引及切分值
print_tree(tree.l, level + 'L') # 打印左子树
print_tree(tree.r, level + 'R') # 打印右子树
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 示例数据集:或人相亲的数据
blind_date = [[35, 176, 0, 20000, 0],
[28, 178, 1, 10000, 1],
[26, 172, 0, 25000, 0],
[29, 173, 2, 20000, 1],
[28, 174, 0, 15000, 1]]
tree = build_biTree(blind_date, splitInfo="infogain") # 构建信息增益的二叉树
print_tree(tree) # 打印树结构
test_sample = [[24, 178, 2, 17000],
[27, 176, 0, 25000],
[27, 176, 0, 10000]]
# 对测验样本进行猜测
for x in test_sample:
print(predict(x, tree))
tree = build_biTree(blind_date, splitInfo="gini") # 构建基尼指数的二叉树
print_tree(tree) # 打印树结构
# 再次对测验样本进行猜测
for x in test_sample:
print(predict(x, tree)) # 猜测并打印成果